Muziris Heritage Tourism  
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Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  


muziris pattanamMuziris was an active port in the 1st century BC, though it is still not known when the city-port was established. The merchants of Muziris had instituted Indo-Greek and Indo-Roman-Egyptian trade with Jews, Arabs, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, British, and many other travelers. The monuments from the Muziris era speak Volumes. However, these monuments to tourists, whether foreign or local. As our industrial consumer society developed, during the last four decades, it has done serve damage to our natural and built environment.

“ The enjoyment of our heritage depends upon its conservation… World Heritage demonstrates that the industry, craftsmanship, love and care of past civilizations were given to make their surroundings meaningful. THIS SHOULD NER CEASE TO FILL US WITH WONDER. THE PAST CAN SPEAK TO US AND HELP US REALIZE WHERE WE ARE GOING IN THE FUTURE.”


Muziris Heritage Site.

muziris pattanamMuziris Heritage Site is an outstanding example of building and archaeological sites and landscape which illustrates a significant stage in the human history of Kerala. The area bears an exceptional testimony to a culture tradition which is fast disappearing.

The built heritage of Muziris is extensive and spreads across the Site. There are a few notable building fron the 18th and 19th centuries scattere around the Site, but mostly in chendamangalam and kodungallur. The surviving elements of Muziris comprise not anly bulidings but also the markets, streets and footways, bridges, and cemeteries.

The natural environment is of great importance to the satatue of MHS. The networks of waterways have influenced and inspired the architecture and growth of the built heritage, and we find that for some of the building, they have been beautifully incorporated as panoramic views.

While the physical remains of Muziris are outstanding and from a unique ensemble, there are also the intangible associations and traditions which from such an important part of Muziris significance. The culture of worship, teaching, fishing and bathing is several thousand years old and continues today. This culture has been at the heart of forming the outstanding physical elements of the MHS. Muziris also has rich associates with prominent people from all strata of society, like royalty, politicians, artists, writers, and professionals, particularly from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

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