Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Gothuruth Fest
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Festive Gathering
Gothuruth Fest from 31st Dec 2013 to 1st Jan 2014

It is reckoned to be one of the specialties of the Fest. What we really mean by arranging this event is that we express our gratitude towards our ancestors, living parents and showing the respect and reverence to Old Trees, Buildings and Wells which are all the replica and testimony to relentless hard work and efforts of our ancestors. On this occasion, we are decided to admire those people who were living in this beautiful place and those who had worked hard to attain an enviable position for this Island in the global map. This year we are planned to arrange a special get together on 31st December 2012 of the people of Gothuruth who have aged more than 80 years old.

Muziris Attractions
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
Muziris Heritage Tourism  
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